Hospice Care
What to expect
When you come to the Hospice you can expect to receive the highest quality palliative care from a team of dedicated clinicians, nurses and volunteers in a tranquil and comfortable setting.
All guests of the Hospice receive their own private room with en suite and private access to the hospice gardens. There is ample seating for loved-ones and friends to come and spend quality time with guests as well as a full array of amenities available to ensure that time is extra special.
The care team will conduct regular assessment of symptoms and changes in treatment and care plans, for those who are unable or do not wish to remain at home when they pass away.

Accessing Our Services
Getting referred
A referral is normally made by a person’s own GP or hospital doctor. A Community Nurse may also make a referral. People can also contact the hospice directly to discuss what support might be available.
When referrals are made
People may be referred for hospice care as soon as a diagnosis is made, not just at the very end of life. Once a person’s palliative care needs have been met, they may be discharged from the service. However, they can be reassessed at any time after this if their condition changes.
Care is provided free of charge
Everything hospice provides to guests, family and carers is provided free of charge.
As an essential health service provider, hospice services some funding from the Government however community support through fundraising is needed to meet the gap of around $200,000 per year.
Tips to Make Your Stay as Pleasant as Possible
Be open and honest with the staff so that they can help you as much as you need/desire it.
Do not hide or minimise your symptoms/problems because this will increase your suffering and make the journey more difficult than it needs to be.
Feel free to bring in your own pillows, soft toys and favourite blankets.
Surround yourself with your own music
Bring in photos, pictures and personal items which remind you of the things you love.
Tell your family/friends what is important to you.
Should any aspects of care or service provided by Hospice fail to meet your expectations, and/or you have a suggestion to make, speak with the Registered Nurse or Hospice Manager and all efforts will be made to review the situation and come to an acceptable solution. “Compliments, comments and complaints” forms are available in this folder if you prefer.