Palliative Care
About Palliative Care
Albany Community Hospice provides palliative care, a specialist medical care specifically for people with terminal, incurable illness. The goal is around providing quality of life, managing pain and symptoms to enable people to live every moment in whatever way is important to them.
In consultation with the person’s GP and Palliative Care team, Albany Community Hospice is able to create a specialised care plan that supports individual needs and desires for their end-of-life journey.
Whilst the Hospice specialises in providing symptom management, there is also a strong emphasis on supporting the psychological, emotional and spiritual needs of each of our guests, their families and carers.
When support is offered
Most often people are referred to hospice when their illness is no longer curable, when their illness has entered a terminal phase. In some circumstances people may be referred whilst still undergoing treatment – e.g. radiotherapy for symptom management. It is important to talk to your key health care provider about the options available, including hospice care.
How to access support
There are two main ways to be referred to hospice for support – through a health care provider (hospital team, G.P, aged care facility) or self-referral.
Please talk to your health care provider or care team about gaining a referral to hospice or you can contact Albany Community Hospice directly or on behalf of your loved one or friend to find out more.
What does it cost?
All care and support provided by hospice is completely free of charge to people using our services.
As an essential health service provider, hospice services some funding from the Government however community support through fundraising is needed to meet the gap of around $200,000 per year.
Services offered
Albany Community Hospice offers;
- medical and nursing care
- pain and symptom control
- therapies, including physiotherapy and complementary therapies
- spiritual support and care
- practical and financial advice
- bereavement care
- training and support services for family carers
Palliative Care Resources
The following websites provide useful information and services:
- Palliative Care Australia –
- Cancer Council WA –
- Care Search –
- Palliative Care WA –
- Carers Australia –

Downloadable Resources
- What is Palliative Care?
- Supporting My Friend or Family Member
- The Dying Process
- Understanding Grief